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Public transports strike on February 25th

Friday, February the 25th is going to be a tough day for commuters and for those who use public transports. A 24-hour strike has indeed been proclaimed, that will affect both surface and non surface public transports (subway, buses and trams). 

The strike has been called by the main labor unions (Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Faisa Cisal and Ugl Autoferrotranvieri) for the renewal of the national collective labor agreement and for the improvement of working conditions, both from a regulatory and from a salary point of view.

Strike in Milan 

In Milan, ATM employees will be striking from 8.45 am to 3 pm and from 6 pm until the end of the day. Both surfaces and underground public transports will be affected. 

Strike nationwide

Nationwide, labor unions have proclaimed a 24-hour strike with no services guaranteed from 8:30 am to 5 pm and from 8 pm until the end of the day. All departures from the terminus up to 8.30 am, as well as from 5 to 8 pm will be guaranteed.

Remember! To access  Milan Public Transport network, remember to buy the ticket that best suits your need, you can find all the tickets at your disposal clicking here.

Milan Travel Card: It is possible to purchase the Milan Travel Card to have free access to public transportation, and discounts in many museums and attraction in Milan at the price of 11,50 € (for 24h), 17,50 € (for 48h) and 19 ,50€ (for 72h), click here for more information.